Formació, Innovació i Noves Tecnologies

Campus Mundet, Passeig de la Vall d'Hebron 171

Edifici Llevant, despatx 237

Fax: +34.93.403.50.14 | Telephone: +34.93.403.50.66

Català | Castellano

El research group FINT has become
Esbrina, Subjectivitats i Entorns Educatius Contemporanis.
This pages will be left untauched for historical reasons.

The main aim of the Education, Innovation and New Technologies Research Group consist in exploring, creating and evaluating new learning environments, where both Information and Communication Technologies and the organisational and symbolic dimensions of educational processes are taken into account.

Education is understood in a broad manner: different kinds of students, teachers, teacher’s educators, and professionals, both at the initial and in-service phases.

Information and Communication Technologies have a crucial role due to its power to transform not only knowledge production, representation, access and delivery, but also educational profiles and the teaching and learning processes themselves. These technologies, along with organisational and symbolic ways of understanding education, allow exploring the development of complex learning processes that imply a high cognitive, emotional and social demand.

The group FINT seeks to increase our knowledge and understanding around the intricate set of factors involved in educational and professional practice in a changing world.

The interest of FINT’s research activity lies on the necessity of increasing our knowledge and understanding of the cognitive, emotional and symbolic processes involved in teaching and learning for understanding and sense making for all kinds of individuals, including those with especial needs or at social risk.

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