The consolidated research group Esbrina — Subjectivitats i Entorns Educatius Contemporanis (2009SGR 0503) — is dedicated to the study of the conditions and current changes in education in a world mediated by digital technologies and visual culture.


Creative Connections. Coneixement i saber des de l’art contemporani en entorns educatius

We are pleased to invite you to the event Coneixement i saber des de l’art contemporani en entorns educatius, organized by the project Creative Connections. It will take place at Barcelona’s Fundació Antoni Tàpies november 14th and 15th, 2014.

Imagining Education: Seeking New Metaphors For Schooling

We are pleased to invite you to the exploratory seminar Imagining Education: Seeking New Metaphors For Schooling, that will take place in the Mundet campus of the University of Barcelona, October 23rd and 24th, 2014.